
Our database contains 25,298 approved salary profiles of employees

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Articles about salaries

News heading 7 factors that determine how much we can earn

13 . May

Now it is easier than ever to compare your salary with others, as salary or its range is stated in job advertisements. Paylab works in Latvia as salary information database Algas.lv administered by CV...

News heading What are financial bonuses of employees?

09 . May

Financial bonuses are pleasant source of income and can significantly increase yearly fixed income part. Employers use bonuses to motivate employees and thank them for accomplished work at end of a fi...

10 latest employee profiles in salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Net monthly salary
gender_icon Auto Electrician Car Industry Riga and Riga region small company 1,800.00 EUR
gender_icon IT Tester Information Technology Riga and Riga region medium company 25-34 3,085.00 EUR
gender_icon IT Manager Management Vidzeme large company 35-44 1,775.00 EUR
gender_icon Warehouseman Transport, Haulage, Logistics Riga and Riga region medium company 1,260.00 EUR
gender_icon Operations Manager Top Management Riga and Riga region large company 1,015.00 EUR
gender_icon Environmentalist Water Management, Forestry, Environment Riga and Riga region n/a 35-44 1,200.00 EUR
gender_icon Interior Designer Construction & Real Estate Riga and Riga region n/a 600.00 EUR
gender_icon Economic/Financial Manager Top Management Riga and Riga region n/a 35-44 2,500.00 EUR
gender_icon Administrative Worker Administration Riga and Riga region n/a 35-44 1,500.00 EUR
gender_icon Technical Director Top Management Riga and Riga region n/a 35-44 3,591.00 EUR