
Less than the regional average net monthly salary 1,408.00 EUR has 57% employees according to the survey Algas.lv.

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LatgaleEmployees distribution into salary ranges

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LatgaleJobs with the highest pay

Job position Average net salary(EUR)
Pilot - Transport, Haulage, Logistics 5,220
Sailor - Transport, Haulage, Logistics 3,977
Chief Executive Officer - Top Management 3,893
Dentist - Medicine & Social Care 3,636
Finance Manager - Management 3,279
IT Manager - Management 3,212
Lead developer - Information Technology 3,191
IT Director - Top Management 2,910
IT Architect - Information Technology 2,873
Solicitor, Barrister - Law & Legislation 2,854
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LatgaleJobs with the lowest pay

Job position Average net salary(EUR)
Seamstress - Textile, Leather, Apparel Industry 450
Fabric Cutter - Textile, Leather, Apparel Industry 473
General Labourer - General labour 529
Proofreader - Translating, interpreting 592
Service Technician - Information Technology 606
School Caretaker - Education, Science & Research 616
Chemical Lab Technician - Chemical Industry 620
Technical Staff - Technology, Development 623
Gardener - Service Industries 645
Leasing Consultant - Leasing 649
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LatgaleMost often provided benefits

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